Posts Tagged With: Intuitive Guidance

You Are A Soul Leader!


How many of you are feeling the multi-level vibration of this total shifting in yourself and surroundings? How many of you feel like you’re experiencing a low-grade earthquake on a nearly-daily basis in much of your life? One that is reverberating deeply under all the ground that you have known, with its long, slow, traveling bellow. It feels like it is slicing, dicing, and breaking up every dimension’s previous footing.

It can feel like you are trying to leapfrog from one piece of ground still holding gravity that is floating around after being broken up. There is no more Fantasia. Although, it is not The Nothingness who is eating up the last of The Neverending Story, it is more The Void of Creativity that is asking you to let go and surrender.

Are you trying to recreate your previous selves when you are finding yourself in a whole new world that can no longer sustain those versions? Are you trying to grab onto the parts that are floating away in an anxious need to keep it the way it was? Do you feel like several versions of yourself are all on differing levels on the path spiraling around the center of who you are and it feels like you’ll never be unified as one whole 3D lump of coal you were so used to being?! You are not crazy.

You are a pioneer. You are a wolf. A leader. The wolf pack leader stays at the back of the pack. This spirit has the multidimensional ability to keep an eye on all possibilities. It holds the job of remaining the hub of that spiraling universe, holding together all the aspects that seem like they could never work together and makes all of it a part of the whole.

It takes pride in its mission to howl at the edges of the known territory, to look its Shadow in the face, and holds space for the next unknown leg of the journey. It is so in touch with Great Mother Earth, that it never doubts what The Great Star Nations whisper to it in the darkest night. Fearlessness runs through its veins.

Call on your Inner Wolf during this time when your Human spirit requires a strong ally, because Gmork is your friend, not your enemy. You’ll find you’ll be able to howl your way more confidently to the edges of the unknown before the leveling up on the path of your Sacred Purpose, knowing a leader is there for all the varying dimensions of their pack.

~Devon Heart Star 4.8.19
Embodying The Cosmic Shaman
Soul Guidance & Empowerment

art by David Penfound

Categories: Empowerment, Ideas & Questions, Inspiration, Raising the vibration of the planet, Shamanism, Soul Talk, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

>>>BE OPEN<<<

Complete confusion? Maybe? Or not. More likely a reshuffling. A rearranging. A re-readying.
>>>BE OPEN<<<

According to my Intuitive Barometer, the current energies are supporting both unlimited creativity and potential in all areas AND the feeling of confusion and inability to focus or even know where to begin focusing! A feeling of being in between, a feeling of impatience and annoyance, as again, we are being asked to pause at the same time as feeling like we are running full speed ahead. Instead of trying to make something happen or plan too much ahead, we’re being asked to notice the present moment and to celebrate how far we really have come, even with this ever-present, masculine workhorse on our back, that’s mixing with a juicy, beautiful, feminine life force rising.

It’s an unknown world we are beginning to experience as true sacred marriage is actually being born within, between our inner Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine. Parts of us are trying to understand this new and fascinating energy using an outdated mode of thinking, so obviously we are going to initially feel confused and unable to focus, until we are truly ready to open to letting in the unknown, and letting go of the control of needing to stay in our comfort zone. Something much bigger has our back. Something simply stunning is brewing within the unknown.

There’s a forward drive to push onward and upward, to continue to do, do, do, which is both a welcoming ray of sunshine after a long, sleepy winter, AND may also be covering up some anxious part of us. It would do us well to spend some time with that part and really feel into the discomfort so that we can know how to continue forward empowered within. By pausing here, not steamrolling forward over it and accepting anxiety as just part of life, we can uncover hidden fears and nurture our courage to work with them.

Fears have a lot to teach us about hidden places where we have abandoned parts of ourselves, little darkened caverns that we can slowly begin to bring in the light of love. Little by little, becoming more whole and at home within our own hearts.

Today begs us to not cling too tightly to any particular feelings of extremes, and that, at times, we are going to be experiencing BOTH sides of the spectrum, at the same time! Let this be your lesson in allowing and experiencing new, slightly detached and curious.

~Devon Heart Star 4.3.19
Embodying The Cosmic Shaman
Soul Guidance & EmpowermentTwinFlameCreationart

Categories: Dreaming, Empowerment, Ideas & Questions, Inspiration, Merging Duality, Raising the vibration of the planet, Shamanism, Soul Talk, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , | 3 Comments

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